Mini Courses

Mini-Courses from the Apple Branch

It is one thing to read a book, then put it down and move on to another. You enjoyed it. Sure! But how long will you retain the knowledge held between its two covers?

What if instead, you read the book with others and engaged in conversation with them chapter by chapter? Can you see how much more beneficial this group experience might be?

One of my favorite authors in the magical mystery world is Sandra Kynes. Her books deserve a group study.

The first book I read by Sandra Kynes was Sea Magic. I live, landlocked in South Central Texas but I spent my childhood and my older years by the Pacific Ocean. My bones yearn for the sea. When I read Sea Magic, I could bring my mind to the experience of once more being near my beloved ocean.

I will be offering some of her books for group study, one at a time. If you sign up for one, you are not obligated to take others, unless of course you can’t wait for the next one.

You will need to purchase the book, plus the fee to study with others and share conversation in Zoom, is $30 per course.