This is a 1- or 2-year programme of study that offers students the chance to engage with a broad range of classic and modern feminist works. This program is for women only. Students will study the history of feminism, the struggles of our foremothers, and the issues that still resonate today. They will also learn about different theoretical perspectives, intersectionality, and how feminism is strongly reflected in witchcraft and Goddess spirituality.
Each year of the course is structured into four 13-week terms. During each term students will read books that address four different themes that persist for the whole programme: History and Perspectives, Awakening from Within, Reclaiming Power, and Classic Texts Over Time.
Student Expectations
As well as studying a diverse range of texts, students will be expected to meet online with their tutor(s) approximately every four weeks to discuss their progress. At the end of each term all students are required to submit a 1500+ word essay for each studied text. Students are therefore strongly encouraged to take notes relevant to the set question for each text as they progress through the weeks. A weekly reading schedule and the set questions will be supplied to students upon enrolment.
Prospective students should be aware that in addition to texts on witchcraft and Goddess spirituality, the course also includes Marxist feminism, eco-feminism, radical feminism, and gender-critical feminism. Students are required to constructively engage with all texts.
All participants in our paid programs can make full use of our online seminary. We are currently offering a special price with tuition fees of $69.99 per month payable through PayPal. In some cases, partial scholarships may be available. We are currently waiving all setup fees.
This progam of study will be taught by Tanwen Priddy, D. Min. and Sorcha Blackbird, both graduates of the Liminal Thealogical Seminary.
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