Feminist Dianic Witchcraft

Feminist Dianic Witchcraft in the Apple Branch!

We live in a world that has been dominated by power-over thinking. We call it the Patriarcy from the word “pater” meaning father. And yes, men have been held responsible. The powerful war -waging energy of the tribal men who migrated in search of food soon became the dominent energy that ruled all. Both men and women have been raised in a power over culture – the power of our parents – the power of bullying classmates – the power of teachers – the power of bosses – all can seek to dominate and control.
Women need their own space. They need to be with other women who grew up in similar ways in this world. They need to be with women who bleed or did bleed in the past. They live with and understand those cycles with other women. They need to be able to talk, to share with other females, who understand because of shared personal experiences. In that way, they can empower each other and become the strong women they need to be, to fully live their lives in today’s world, embracing their womanhood, their bleeding cycles, their motherhood, their wise woman ways. The power of the feminine – the power of woman to create, to nourish, to love unconditionally – we will do this!
Do you feel the call of Divinity deep within your soul?  Does your heart long to become a channel of Her grace and Healing to women of the world?  Are you able to commit to a program of study that will fully prepare you to do Her work in the world?  Are you a woman who bleeds or did bleed at one time?

If you are a woman who bleeds, would you love to learn more about your own woman’s cycles?  And if you no longer bleed, how to live those cycles in harmony with the cycles of the Moon?

If the answer YES, then we have an exciting opportunity for YOU!

What do we offer?

~ One and Two Year Programs—

~ Completion of one full year of required courses to receive ordination as a priestess.

Continuing on with your studies will bring the opportunity to obtain a master of divinity degree (upon completion of the required courses). The student will be well-equipped to serve others.

~ Personal Mentorship with a trained Apple Branch Mentor.

The course comprises four tracks, one on Goddesses (Tree Moon Goddesses), one on magical practice, Tree Moons for connecting with nature, and one on Women’s Mysteries that includes, Tracking Menstrual, Lunar and Solar Cycles. Each of which has a unit every lunar month: Course Instructor: Deanne Quarrie, D.Min.

Goddess Studies 

Each unit will introduce Goddesses who will be at the heart of that lunation’s associated online ritual.  Students choose a Goddesses to research and write a short (1-2 pages).  Pointers to books and other helpful resources will be provided.  Goddesses will come from a range of ancient pantheons.

Magical Practices

Each unit will introduce a magical activity.  Methods and advice will be provided to help the student prepare for, plan, and conduct the activity before then providing a short (1-2 pages) write-up on their experiences.  Pointers to books and other helpful resources will be provided, particularly for students who wish to explore the topic in greater depth than this foundational course allows.

Those who are new to the idea of Goddess, casting Circles or magic and spellcasting may find it helpful to read book “Dancing With Goddess” by Deanne Quarrie, available on Amazon. This book will help readers think about the idea of Goddess and their own personal relationship with Her. You will learn the basics of creating sacred space and Circle casting as well as steps in creating magical workings.

Women’s Blood Mysteries, Menstruality, and Living the Natural Cycles

This part of the course includes tracking of menstrual cycles, making note of astrological input moods and activities and all recorded in a journal.

Woman in Blood by Shekhinah Mountainwater

As a babe in blood I am born
As a maid with blood I flow
As woman in blood I birth
And from blood the milk doth flow
With age comes the ending of blood
And the shadow of death I know

 “Women are the archetypal anchors for the power of the Feminine, and when we reclaim our feminine power – by restoring our ways and practices – we integrate the power of the Feminine into our lives and back onto the planet” – from the book, Wild Power by Alexandra Pope, Sjanie Hugo Wurlitzer, et al.

A new way to see a woman …

Menstruality is a term coined by Jane Catherine Severn, pointing to a woman’s Inner Intelligence or organising principle that is working her from her first bleed at menarche, throughout her menstruating years and menopause and into her post-menopause years. It is leading her Home to Herself.

Nature Correspondences

This will be a non-academic approach to connecting with nature through the correspondences of the Celtic Ogham correspondences.


A ritual will take place in lunation as well as for each of the eight sabbats of the Wheel of the Year and will take place on Sunday mornings.  As well as devotional acts for a Goddess associated with this cycle, the rituals may include additional magical or spiritual practices. There will be 13 lunar rituals as well as 8 Sabbat Rites.


This is a foundational course, which is intended to be accessible to all and does not require students to have perfect skills in written English.  Students with creative abilities in art, poetry, etc. may wish to incorporate those skills into their papers.  Whilst students need not be academically minded, there is an expectation that any resources (books, internet pages, etc.) used will be cited at the end of assignments.

We are currently offering a special price with tuition fees of $49.99 per month payable through PayPal. In some cases, partial scholarships may be available. We are also waiving all setup fees.

Ready to enroll now? Click here.

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