Welcome to the Apple Branch – a Dianic Tradition


Exciting things are happening within the Apple Branch. We are here for those seeking knowledge and possible ordination with completed studies. Ordination certainly is a worthy goal but not everyone seeks that. We welcome all to the Apple Branch who seek to learn.

Please note – some aspects of our programs are academic and do require reading, writing and time dedicated to the work. However, we offer practical experiences and online rituals with opportunities for you spiritually!

Feminist Dianic Witchcraft

Do you feel the call deep within your soul?  Does your heart long to become a channel of Her grace and Healing to women of the world?  Are you able to commit to a program of study that will fully prepare you to do Her work in the world?  Were you born female and continue to live now as a female?

If you are a woman who bleeds, could or did bleed, and the answer YES, then we have an exciting opportunity for YOU!

This program allows a woman to heal from the wounds inflicted by the power over culture she lives in, delve into working with her menstrual cycles, or lunar cycles, as well as learning and understanding all phases of her female life, while at the same time connecting her with the Divine and nature through the animals, birds, trees, colors, and stones of the Ogham correspondences. Completion of this program will qualify her to enter advanced training or move gracefully into our Faerie Faith Tradition.Read More here …

Faerie Faith

Faerie Faith and the Celtic Tree Mysteries

The Celtic Tree mysteries provide the backbone of our teaching and the cycles for the sacred year. We are guided through each lunar and solar event and festival, learning the cycles of the year, the movement of the energies of the Earth and how to better prepare for the esoteric changes that occur around and within us as the year progresses.

The Mysteries of the Trees also teach us about ourselves and our environment. When truly understood, the Celtic Tree Mysteries also bring about profound personal change and a deepening of our spiritual core.

goddess_collage Service to the Divine and to the Land is an important part of our focus. We believe that there are many paths to enlightenment and to truth … no one path is “better” than another. All have validity. As such those of the Apple Branch serve in a variety of ways. All are trained to assist others in life passages. There are those who specialize in the healing arts. They may be teachers, counselors and artists. There are those who serve as “edge walkers” and who specialize in the awareness of and use of energy. Regardless of the specialty, all work with the natural order of life, in balance and harmony with all.

Primarily we identify as witches and as Bandrui. Service to humanity is an important part of a Bandrui’s life and character. Our Coven is female only.

Magic is viewed as a potential for creation. A potential that exists within all things…living and non-living. We draw upon this energy and the energy within ourselves to bring into manifestation that which is needed for the highest good of self and others. We give thanks and offerings respectfully as we know we still have much to learn.

We are an initiatory tradition. Upon completion of all requirements, we offer clergy ordination as well as a Master of Divinity degree.

Learn more here.

Goddess Mysteries & Practical Magic

This year-long foundational course is aimed at those interested in (an exclusively) Goddess-Centred practice that incorporates magical activity.  This program is facilitated by Tanwen Priddy, D. Min. It is open to all individuals devoted to Goddess, regardless of sex or gender identity (or other personal characteristics).  It will introduce students to at least 49 Goddesses from a range of pantheons, including Celtic, Norse, Greco-Roman, Mesopotamian, and Egyptian, and offer the opportunity for students to further develop a range of magical skills.

Each unit will follow a theme throughout the year and will introduce various goddesses connected with the theme. There will also be a magical project in each unit. You will learn about the cycles of moon and sun.  The year will include 13 lunar rites as well as celebrations for each Sabbat. Upon completion of this year, a student may wish to continue on a path toward ordination.

Learn more here.


All participants in our paid programs can make full use of our online seminary.  We are currently offering a special price with tuition fees of $69.99 per month payable through PayPal. In some cases, partial scholarships may be available. We are currently waiving all setup fees.

Contact forms are available for each of our programs. We would love to hear from you!