
A Bandrui is a female Druid. Legends tell us that many women were indeed Druids. They began in a time when men and women were equal in all ways.  Certain distinctions, did of course exist, but were not prohibitive.  Today, women claim the same equality.  The women of the Apple Branch identify as Bandrui and are creating a sacred life based on nature as did their ancestors.

Modern  Druidism is a way of life that is based on the beliefs and practices of the ancient Celtic people. Ancient Druidism evolved from the Shamanistic philosophies of the early people who merged to form the Celts. Thus, Druidism is a system deeply rooted in the Ways of Nature and the Otherworld, a belief structure centered around the concept of “balance in all things”.

The Apple Branch opens their practices to welcome deities from all cultures, so long as the practice is in keeping with a nature based philosophy.

Service to the Goddess and to humanity is an important part of a Bandrui’s life and character. She believes that there are many paths to enlightenment and to truth…no one path is “better” than the another. All have validity. As such women of the Apple Branch serve in a variety of ways.  All are trained to assist others in life passages.  There are those who specialize in the healing arts.  They may be teachers, counselors and artists.  There are those who serve as “edge walkers” and who specialize in the awareness of and use of energy.  Regardless of the specialty, all work with the natural order of life, in balance and harmony with all.

Magic is viewed as a potential for creation. A potential that exists within all things…living and non-living. The Bandrui draws upon this energy and the energy within themselves to bring into manifestation that which is needed for the highest good of themselves or others. She gives thanks and offerings respectfully as she knows she still has much to learn.

The Bandrui’s cosmos is made up of three interconnected realms…Land, Sea and Sky interwoven with the Sacred Fire, the Divine Spark within all living and non-living beings. The Bandrui of the Apple Branch follow the Lunar Cycles applying her knowledge of the Ogham as her guide. Work is done on the 13 New Moons, as well as on the Full and Dark Moons. She keeps the Cycle of the Year, that Great Spiral that guides her in her daily life. The pantheon followed is a personal choice of the Bandrui. She believes that “like attracts like” thus, she works with the feminine energies to allow for greater focus.